Chairs Blog December 2024
The final month has rushed upon us already.

I did get out and about in some local woods for some fungi images, also I’ve been to Elmley nature reserve, didn’t get to see the owls that everyone has been putting on Facebook though, oh well another visit needed, plenty of waterfowl, and kestrels to be seen though and a Goldfinch feeding on the teasels, it gave me an excuse to try out my new 100/400 lens. It’s not the right time yet for Hares to be out boxing.
I also had a visit to the tower of London to experience the poppy fields show that they put on, was lucky with the weather as well stayed dry for us, good thing as its a pre booked event only, and the images are projected onto the outside of the buildings and so if it rained they just would carry on and everyone gets wet. December seems to be a short month for photography with Christmas taking out at least a whole week.

If you have put some photography items on your Christmas list, I hope you get what you asked for, if you don’t do what I do and send the list to yourself…….
Have a good month Gary.