• Chairs Blog

    Chairs Blog September 2024

    Hi all, welcome to the Chairs Blog, I hope you enjoy this read and possibly gives you some encouragement to have a go at something out of the norm. So August brought some clear skies at last, keeping an eye on the moon phases and how clear the sky was, resulted in myself popping to Reculver one evening, well it was actually at midnight, to have a try at getting the Milky Way. So armed with my tripod and a wide angle lens (14mm), I set up with my camera pointing in what I hoped was the correct direction (I used an app on my phone called Ephemeris) and including…

  • News

    New Season Starts 05/09/2024

    The new season starts on 5th September 2024. Please bring yourself and any friends you may have. The night will be very informal just going through the season ahead. In case you have forgotten where we meet and at what time, please click on this link Where we meet – Reflex Photographic Club We look forward to seeing you there

  • Summer Outing

    Summer Challenge – Orange

    Summer Challenge – OrangeDate Judged: 29/08/2024Judge: David ToveyHere are the winning images for the “Oranges Summer Challenge”.Well Done To: 1st: Ignatius Mauceri – Blood Orange2nd: Janis Spice – Eye Eye3rd: Janis Spice – Orange Tulips Still LifeHighly Commended: Ignatius Mauceri – Imagined Orange TulipHighly Commended: Graham Niblock – Just Needs Some Sunbathers Ignatius Mauceri – Blood Orange Janis Spice – Eye Eye Janis Spice – Orange Tulips Still Life Ignatius Mauceri – Imagined Orange Tulip Graham Niblock – Just Needs Some Sunbathers

  • Summer Outing

    Summer Challenge – Churches

    08/08/2024 Summer Challenge – ChurchesDate Judged: 08/08/2024Judge: David ToveyHere are the winning images for the “Churches Summer Challenge”.Well Done To: 1st: Janis Spice – Sunday After Trinity 2nd: Graham Niblock – Barming Church At Night 3rd Gary Botton – The Saviour Highly Commended: Michele Cohen – Little Chart Ruins Highly Commended: Ignatius Mauceri – Graveyard Cross

  • News

    Chair’s Message: Committee Changes

    Hi All I’m writing to inform you of some changes to the committee which will be a rapid agenda item for our first meeting to ratify formally these changes which are: Gary Botten ChairmanDavid Ellis SecretaryIgnatius Mauceri Deputy Secretary/ArchivistGraham Niblock TreasurerRavi Ponnappah Deputy TreasurerColin Pillen Non-executiveJanet Neal Co-ordinator/programme organiserLorraine Grey External Competition SecretaryRon Cox Web Administrator and Communications There are vacancies for a Deputy Chairman and Non-Executive so there is still time to get involved in the running of the club. Don’t forget it’s a very big welcome back to business on the 5th of September and I hope to see you all on the night don’t forget to let…

  • News

    Ross Cup Competition Results

    Today at the Ross Cup Competition We came joint 10th (out of 24) with Faversham and Park Wood. We were only 1 point below Maidstone who are a very good club so we did well. Last time this event was run we were second from the bottom so a big improvement. Ross Cup write up on Results can be found here Ross Cup 2024 Results – Kent County Photographic Association (kcpa.co.uk)

  • News

    Exhibition: London Salon of Photography

    LSP 2024 (110th) Annual Exhibition at Creek Creative, 1 Abbey Street, Faversham, Kent ME13 7BE Tel. 01795 535 515 Tuesday 30 Jul 2024 to Sunday 11 Aug 2024 (Closed Mondays) https://creek-creative.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/London-Salon-Of-Photography-2024_Poster-03_web.jpg